; The first report of a Society for Preventing Accidents in Coal Mines, comprising a letter to Sir Ralph Milbanke, Bart., on the various modes employed in the ventilation of collieries; A Catalogue of the interesting library of the late George Allan, Esq., F.S.A. &c. &c. in which will be found the few remaining copies of various tracts, printed at his private press at Darlington, also several illustrated works, with manuscript notes and memoranda by Mr. Allan ... which will be sold by auction ... on Monday March 18, 1822 ...; A letter to the Right Hon. Earl Grey, on certain charges advanced by his Lordship in his speech at the late county meeting in Northumberland against the clergy of the county of Durham; A letter to the freeholders ofthe county of Durham, on the proceedings of the county meeting, holden on Thursday, 21st October instant, and particularly on the speech of John George Lambton, Esq. M.P.; A copy of a petition presented to the Honourable the House of Commons, by Richard Wharton, Esq. as the petition of the body of ship-owners and coal-fitters of the Port of Sunderand, or of one hundred and forty eight persons being of those descriptions, in opposition to the Bill now before Parliament, for an amendment of the Wear Navigation Act ...; A letter on the River Wear Navigation Act addressed to John George Lambton, Esq. M.P.; A lettter on certain clauses, proposed to be introduced into the River Wear Navigation Act, by a bill this session of Parliament, addressed to Richard Wharton, Esq. M.P.; The ghost of Joseph Robson, engineer, requests that his art of making rivers. creeks, and harbours, more commodious for shipping, &c., may be re-published as printed in his book called The British Mars, in MDCCLXIII ...; Extracts from the book of minutes of the Commissioners, and from reports of engineers, with other matters relating to the Wear Navigation Act; Strictures on an article of The monthly review upon Dr. Gray's publication, entitled 'The connection between sacred and profane literature', with illustrations of that work, particularly on the subject of the zend-avesta / ; Account of the balæna mysticetus, or Great Northern or Greenland whale

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2nd ed.