Discover: Newcastle Libraries is an online information and research tool. It allows you to access resources and information in one place, either from a PC or tablet in one of Newcastle's Libraries or from your own device, anywhere.

With it you can

Here's the clever stuff

  • Discover searches not just the library catalogue for books, but brings in information from the internet, from online archives and from eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines

  • You can search for titles, find out in where they are in our 14 branches, make a reservation (for free) and select which branch you what to collect it from

  • You can add ratings and reviews to Discover which will help other library users enjoy books and reading

  • Discover will make recommendations based on your borrowing history and ratings. This is tailored to you and Discover will learn about your likes and dislikes

  • You can create lists of books you've read or want to read

  • If you lose or forget your library card, you can print the barcode or use a smartphone to display it at a self-check machine. In the account management area just select My Library Card.

  • You can link accounts, so you can see your families information in one place

Give it a try!

  • Search for Discworld

  • This will give you results for physical items (books or board games, for example) which you can reserve or borrow from any of our public libraries.

  • It also allows you to go straight to Borrowbox where you can borrow them as eBooks or eAudiobooks

  • If there are eMagazines available, they will show up in the results too!

  • Other information is brought in from websites, for example this biography of Terry Pratchett

We hope this is a useful tool for you when you're looking for books to read, items for research or to help you developing your business.

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